Dress Code and Mobile Phones

Dress Code

ON THE COURSE – Please wear smart golf clothing – this is essential. Golf shoes are to be worn and any shorts should be tailored.

LEAVING THE COURSE – Please remove hats and waterproof clothing in the locker rooms, as they are not allowed in the main Clubhouse. Cleaned golf shoes may be worn in the Golfer’s Lounge (previously known as the mixed lounge).

IN THE CLUBHOUSE – Smart casual/golf dress is acceptable in all areas of the clubhouse, at all times, except when attending a function where more formal dress may be required.

Our general principle is that Members, their Guests and Visitors are smartly attired and adhere to the appropriate code of the day.

Inappropriate clothing, for example: denim jeans, tracksuits, cargo pants, uncovered t-shirts, flip-flops or similar are not permitted.

Mobile Telephones


Use is permitted on the golf course to measure distance only (Sat Nav technology).

Use of a mobile telephone or any device that measures other conditions such as wind speed, gradient, temperature etc is prohibited by the R and A.

Telephone calls may be made in case of emergency.


The use of mobile telephones is allowed in all bars and lounges (BUT NOT in the dining room) for all applications EXCEPT telephone calls, which can be made in the locker rooms or car park. The sound must be on mute/vibrate at all times and the use of ear pieces is NOT allowed.


Use of Ride-on Buggies on the Golf Course

Due to disability, some members and visitors may not be able to play golf without the help provided by a motorised ride-on buggy. The purpose of this document is to establish a standard for the safe operation of all ride-on buggies operated on the course at Ormskirk Golf Club. The document also sets down the criteria to be applied and conditions to be met when the Club considers applications for their use.


Use of a ride-on buggy will not be allowed unless authorised by the Club and will be restricted to members, visitors and guests demonstrably having a genuine incapacity to play golf unless aided by the use of the buggy. (See also `Use in General Play and Competitions` below).

Any person who accepts the privilege of operating a ride-on buggy on the golf course is deemed by so doing, to have the knowledge, training and skill to safely operate this vehicle and be fully accountable for their actions and the consequences thereof. Any users must hold a valid driving licence.

Anyone wishing to use a buggy on the course should apply in writing to the Secretary Manager and will be required to sign the golf buggy safety policy acknowledgment form which forms part of this policy document.

Ride on buggies are available for rent from the club. Alternatively, applicants are permitted to use their own buggies, but they will be required to provide a copy of their insurance schedule with their application.

The safe operation of ride-on buggies on the course requires conscientious application and adherence to the minimum standard of care prescribed by this policy.

Ride-on buggies must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the following documents:

  • Golf Buggy Safety Policy
  • Golf Buggy Safe Working Practice
  • Golf Buggy Safety Policy Acknowledgement Form.In order that these conditions can in practice be met, the Secretary/Manager must be given prior notice of a requirement by a member, visitor or guest to use a ride-on buggy. The Club reserves the right to refuse permission if all of the conditions stipulated are not complied with.The Club also reserves the right to withdraw authorisation if the medical condition or disability necessitating the use of a ride-on buggy ceases, or, the conditions for its use are not fully complied with.From time to time the Club staff may determine that the state of the course or the weather is such that safety on, or the condition of the course may be unacceptably compromised if a ride-on buggy is used. This might apply to the whole or just part of the course. Potentially unsuitable conditions include waterlogging, frost, etc. Where such conditions arise, the club will review the situation on at least a twice daily basis.

    Use in General Play and Competitions

    During general (non-competition) play a ride-on buggy shall only be used by members, visitors and guests authorised to do so.

    Ride-on buggies may be used during closed and open competitions by those suffering from a disability within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Legislation.

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Golf Buggy Safety Policy

The Club has a duty of care to all users of the golf course. The topography of certain areas of the course is such that caution, and prudence must be shown by the user of a ride-on buggy. It is also necessary for the Club to provide adequately safe means of access for all golfers including those given permission to use buggies. Moreover, the Club has to ensure the safety of golfers who do not wish to use ride-on buggies but who might be at risk from a mechanically defective ride-on buggy or its careless use. This duty of care also applies to members of the public using the various rights of way.

To assist the safe employment of ride-on buggies all potential users (members and visitors) shall comply with the following conditions:


Ride-on buggies on Ormskirk Golf Club property are only for the use of members and visitors who are disabled within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Legislation.

Ride-on buggies must be operated with the utmost courtesy, care and consideration for the safety and convenience of pedestrians. Pedestrians must be afforded the right-of-way at all times.

The signs and instructions employed on the course to warn buggy riders of potential danger areas or, areas forbidden to ride-on buggies because of concerns about danger or, the potential to cause unacceptable wear and tear to the course, must be followed at all times. Users must comply with the safe route guidelines.

Ride-on buggies must be operated and parked in such a manner that they do not impede or interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular flow on roadways, ramps or pavements.

Ride-on buggy operators will be responsible for the security of ignition keys for the period that the buggy is on the property owned by the Club.

Ormskirk Golf Club is responsible for providing buggies that are fit for use and are correctly maintained. It is the responsibility of approved users to notify the professional staff of any problems with the buggy owned by the club.

Ormskirk Golf Club has no responsibility for the maintenance of buggies owned and operated by individuals on or beyond the confines of the course or the club car parks. Members and visitors who are operating their own buggies are responsible for ensuring that their buggy is fit for use and correctly maintained.

No ride-on buggy will be operated in excess of 15km per hour. All speed limits must be observed. Ride-on buggies shall be used only between dawn and dusk.

Ride-on buggies must be operated in compliance with the common` rules of the road` regardless of whether ride-on buggies are operated on pavements or roadways.

Operators must stop the buggy at blind intersections and proceed with caution.
The consumption of alcohol and/or the improper use of drugs when using the Ride-On Buggy is strictly forbidden

a ride –on- buggy. Application for reinstatement of permission can only be made to the Green Committee.

The Secretary/Manager has the authority to immediately prohibit any individual from using or being carried on

Safe Working Practice

Ride-on buggy operators must not be under the influence of alcoholic drinks or drugs. Never allow children to drive the ride-on buggy.


All operators of ride-on buggies must sign a Safety Policy Acknowledgement form before they are allowed to drive the buggy. The buggies should only be used by the individuals authorised the use them and they should not in any circumstances offer a lift to any other individual unless they hold a current medical certificate.

Do not move off until the occupants are seated

Always remain seated and hold on while the vehicle is in motion

Hands, feet and head must be kept inside the buggy at all times while the vehicle is in motion

Ride-on buggies must not be driven in prohibited areas. Please refer to the safe route guidance

The vehicle must be used to progress the game and must not be driven up and down excessively, e.g., when looking for golf balls

The vehicle must not be used on tees, greens or the slopes leading up to them

The vehicle must not be used within 2 metres of any bunkers, ditches or ponds or slopes leading to them except when using the designated bridges

Check the area behind the vehicle before reversing, set the parking brake before leaving the vehicle

Always consider the terrain, existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic conditions as well as environmental factors that may affect your ability to operate the vehicle safely

  • –  Drive the vehicle only as fast as the terrain and safety considerations allow
  • –  To avoid tipping over, drive the buggy straight up and down severe slopes
  • –  Slow down before corners.
  • –  All turns must be executed at reduced speeds
  • –  Avoid sudden stops or changes of direction that may result in loss of control
  • –  Be extra careful when the course is wet and muddy AFTER USEWhen the vehicle is left unattended, turn the operating key to the off position, remove the key and engage the parking brake.